Friday, May 22, 2009

Odds without ends...

Strange is too mild a term for the happenings of lakeshore. The people here are truely one of a kind. Quite endearing I might add. Last Saturday was the Bay St. Louis bridge fest. Really just another reason to have a small town celebration. Locals congregated in the streets of downtown around boutiques and street vendors, under the blistering Mississippi sun. I got a taste of the local flora and persona as we wandered the streets.

I believe the most notable experience took place as Allison and I were taking a break near the stage where a country cover band was playing their hearts out in front of the few passer-bys who, like us, had become disinterested enough to listen to them. There was actually the one token couple that managed to slow dance to whatever song was being played... cute. But along came the real entertainment, Gary something, can't remember the last name. A man who was, or at least had been, very much committed to an extensive drug portfolio. These left him most friendly. He immediately began to show off his atrociously beautiful canine companion. He explained how his hideous dog had already posed in many advertisements, and was always an instant winner because of its everlasting puppy look. He then proceded to invite the two of us over to his house, a pleasure we were quick to save for a later time. But he nonetheless left us with a random business card (not his own), writing his own contact information on the back, explaining to us that he made and sold all kinds of gadgets. He described how cool they were, highlighting most notably the "wind turny things". We told him it sounded totally awesome, thanked him for his entertaining conversation, and moved to find refuge with the remenants of our posse. In retrospect, he was quite endearing, a genuine manifestation of how exciting Bay St. Louis really is.

Just yesterday, I met another insightful type. I was enjoying a mocha, muffin and internet at the local cafe (which closes at 5pm during the week mind you, gag!). While reeling at the insane developments of a Lost season finale, in steps the man of the hour. He proceeds to announce to the entire room that he just saw a train going by, 50 cars or so, full of military equipment; humvees, personnel transports... the works. He continues to explain how s#%t's about to hit the fan, we're headed to Congo! That's it, it's happening, we're going into Congo now! As abrutly as he interrupted us, he was out of the room... and I was back to my show... somewhat amused.

Maybe more stories later. Needless to say, the locals keep me quite entertained. Now don't get me wrong, most are relatively normal, but the odd balls out here, well they're precious.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Josh, Your pops finally provided the link to your blog. Please keep posting with pictures. We'll pray for you. Say hi to Don for us all here in Livermore. Take care, Ken -
